Affordable Housing Survey
Wexford County Council , in accordance with ‘Housing for All Delivery Action Plan 2022-2026’, is actively working on developing affordable housing over the coming years. The purpose of an affordable housing scheme is to provide houses at a reduced price for eligible applicants. Notwithstanding the eligibility criteria that are contained in the Regulations for any scheme, the Council wishes to establish the level of interest in County Wexford for affordable dwellings.
Enniscorthy Town Centre First Plan Launch
The Enniscorthy Town Centre First Plan was launched at Enniscorthy Castle on Thursday, 1st February, 2023.
Click here to view the plan.
Statutory Notice: The County Rate 2024
Horses on Beaches Reminder
Wexford County Council wishes to remind horse owners, trainers, riding stables and riders of the provisions of the Wexford County Council Beach Bye-Laws 2022 that apply to the Summer Season and Bank Holiday Weekends (Saturday-Monday) during the year. In the interest of safety and consideration to other Beach Visitors the Council asks people exercising or riding horses to abide by the terms of the Bye-Laws over Christmas, New Year and other Bank Holiday weekends.
Section 17 of the Bye-Laws require;
Uisce Éireann completes critical upgrades to Enniscorthy’s wastewater network to futureproof social and economic development
Thursday, 23 November 2023 - Enniscorthy, the second largest town in Co Wexford is bridged by the meandering River Slaney with the Blackstairs Mountains serving as a magnificent backdrop. Each year thousands of tourists’ flock to the town, to experience the breath-taking historical sites and relax on Ireland’s longest beach, Curracloe, which lies in close proximity to Enniscorthy.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Budget of Wexford County Council for the financial year ending on the 31st December, 2024, has been prepared and will be considered by the Council at the Budget Meeting to be held on the 4th December, 2023.
Section 5 Referral to An Bord Pleanala
Wexford County Council has referred the attached document on 10th November 2023 to An Bord Pleanála under Section 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).
This Section 5 referral relates to the use of the former Great Southern Hotel for emergency accommodation.