What is LOTE4Kids?
LOTE4Kids is our online database of digital books in World Languages, that allows children to enjoy the magic of books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English).
Each book also comes with English translations to help children learn a language.
LOTE4Kids has 3000+ digital picture books in 75+ languages, with new books and languages released each month. Log in using your library card number. Select a language. Choose a story. Enjoy a book!
Irish Sign Language Stories are now available online from your local libraries in Wexford.
Wexford Libraries are delighted to announce that online stories are now available in ISL - Irish Sign Language with LOTE4Kids.
To watch ISL stories like ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, ‘The Golden Goose’ and more all you need is your library card number. Use it to login in at LOTE4Kids then choose a story and enjoy!
To sign up for your free library card:
• Visit your local Wexford library branch or mobile library with proof of address and photo ID.
• Fill in the online form at Join the Library | Wexford County Council and bring proof of address and photo ID to any Wexford library branch or mobile library to complete membership registration.
The LOTE4Kids App
Download the LOTE4Kids App. Users love the secure, ad-free environment and its user-friendly interface. Along with the great website, the mobile app is accessible and an efficient way to enjoy stories and activities.
1. Download the App from the App Store or Google Play
2. Find your library
3. Enter your barcode and enjoy a story and activity!
Scan to download
Scan to download