Repair & Leasing Scheme (RLS)
Are you the owner of a property that has been vacant for a minimum of 12 months? Are you are interested in making your property available to Wexford County Council for social housing? You may be eligible to avail of financial support under the Repair and Leasing Scheme.
The purpose of the Repair & Leasing Scheme is to restore suitable vacant properties to the required standard for Long Term Leasing.
This initiative affords the owner of a vacant property an opportunity to avail of an interest free loan (to a maximum of €80,000 inclusive of VAT) covering the full/partial cost of the necessary repairs to bring the property up to leasing standards. Wexford County Council would then engage in a Long Term Lease on your property, with vacant possession, for an agreed term ranging between 10 and 20 years.
Property inspections are carried out by Wexford County Council who will identify the works required to bring the dwelling to the required standard. The property owners will arrange for the agreed works to be carried out and recoup the costs from Wexford County Council. The loan is repaid by an offset against the lease payments over a specified number of years.
Please note- the proposed property must be vacant for a minimum of 12 months prior to submission and on completion of necessary works, the property must have a BER of C1 or better.
Please contact Wexford County Council Leasing Section for further details or complete and return an expression of interest form, available below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Expression of Interest Form
Completed forms or queries can be emailed to:
or posted to
Leasing Unit
Housing Department
Wexford County Council
Tel: 053 9196000