What is a Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP)?
It is a document which sets out the goals, objectives and actions needed to promote and support economic and community development in County Wexford for the next six years.
The first Local Economic and Community Plan has now been prepared by Wexford Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) and Wexford County Council.
The Wexford Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 - 2021 sets out six High Level Goals to improve socio-economic and community outcomes in County Wexford up to 2021. Each goal is expressed in terms of objectives with indicators, related partner activities and roles. The Wexford Local Economic and Community Plan 2016 - 2021 is guided by the following overarching vision:
That Wexford will be a county:
- with vibrant, diverse and resilient sustainable urban and rural communities experiencing a high quality of life;
- where people will want to live, work and do business;
- which offers its citizens quality employment opportunities;
- which offers high quality urban and rural environments supported by excellent sustainable physical and social infrastructure and sustainable employment opportunities, and
- which values its natural environment and heritage.