Burial Grounds
There are currently four major categories of burial ground in the county.
- Old closed burial grounds vested in the County Council. A maintenance grant is available to groups and individuals in relation to vested burial ground - Please click here for online form or alternatively please click here for a hard copy form to download. Please click on the below map for further details on the 112 closed burial grounds vested in Wexford County Council. For further information on the care of the historic graveyards please contact the Heritage Officer, at heritage.biodiversity@wexfordcoco.ie.
- Eleven village/rural burial grounds and one urban burial ground (Summerhill, Enniscorthy) operated by Wexford County Council. The application form to apply for permission to erect a headstone in a Wexford County Council burial ground is available here.
Burial grounds in each of the four major towns.
Town Burial Grounds Town Burial Ground Wexford Crosstown New Ross St. Stephens Joint Local Authority Burial Ground Enniscorthy St. Mary’s - St. Mary's Burial Ground Committee
Summerhill - Wexford County CouncilGorey St. Michaels Parish Committee -
Parish operated burial grounds.
Map of Closed Burial Grounds vested in Wexford County Council
Click here for full screen.
Right of Interment in a closed (Vested) Burial Ground
Burial Ground Legislation
The principle legislation governing Sanitary Authorities in relation to Burial Grounds is as follows:
- Public Health (Ireland) Act 1878
- Sanitary Services Act 1948
- Local Government Act 1994
- Rules and Regulations for the Regulation of Burial Grounds made under the 1878 Act
- Local Government Act, 2001.