A Right to Request Information
The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act, 2014 gives the public a right to request information, including Personal Information as well as a right to an Internal Review and further review by the Information Commissioner should a request be refused or partially refused. It also allows for the amendment, correction or deletion of Personal Information.
How do I request information?
Information can be requested by contacting the FOI office by email or post.
1. You must specify that you are requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act, 2014.
2. You must identify the records that you want to access and give us enough information to:
- Determine if we hold the information,
- Locate it or the documents containing it,
- Retrieve such information or documents and,
- Extract the information / records requested.
3. You must state how you would like to access the records, e.g. photocopies of the records, to attend to view the originals or get copies of them on computer disc.
For further details on making an FOI request contact the Wexford County Council FOI Office
What costs could I incur in Making a Request?
Details of any fees or charges involved in making a request, if any, are details in the FOI Fees and charges section.
What type of decision will be made on my Request Application?
The Decision on your Request will be one of the following:
- Full Grant of Request,
- Part Grant of Request or,
- Full Refusal of Request.
Why would a Request be Partially Granted or Refused?
The FOI Act contains a number of provisions to exempt the release of Personal Information to another or Sensitive or Exempt Information. Where the Council invokes these provisions you may seek an Internal Review of that decision.
Can I Appeal a Decision if I'm not happy with it?
Yes. You may seek an Internal Review of a decision within Four Weeks of Recipt of the Decision, if
(a) You are dissatisfied with the initial decision received e.g. refusal of information, form of access etc., partial release of information or
(b) You have not received a reply within four weeks of the initial application – this is deemed to be a refusal of the request and allows you to seek an Internal Review.
(c) If you not satisfied with the Charges being sought.
Costs, if any, of requesting an Internal Review are detailed in the FOI Fees and Charges section.
Internal Reviews are carried out by a staff member of a higher rank than that of the staff member who made the decision in the first instance.
You will receive an Internal Review decision within three weeks.
A request for an Internal Review should be submitted in writing to the Wexford County Council FOI office by email or post.
What if I'm not happy with the Internal Review Decision or don't get it within the three week period?
You can seek a Review by the Information Commissioner if
- You not satisifed with the Internal Review Decision,
- A Decision is not given to you within three weeks
- You are unhappy with the fees & charges sought.
The Review by the Information Commissioner is an independent review, outside of Wexford County Council, of an Internal Review Decision.
A request for a review must be made in writing to the Information Commissioner. A standard fee of €50, or €15 in the case of a medical card holder must accompany an review request to the Information Commissioner.
Wexford County Council policy with regard to confidentiality and Freedom of Information