Wexford County Council Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2025
Call for Expressions of Interest now open
Closing Date 30th April 2025
The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Minister Dara Calleary TD has launched the Town & Village Renewal Scheme (TVR) 2025
The Department, through the Our Rural Future, Town Centre First and the Our Living Islands policies, recognises the importance of creating and maintaining vibrant and resilient rural towns and villages, and that this will continue to be achieved by delivering a wide range of strategic interventions and investments throughout the country.
The scheme is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and administered by the Local Authority
The 2025 TVRS Scheme is designed to support the revitalisation and resilience of rural Ireland through an ongoing focus on town centre regeneration and enhancing economic and social vibrancy in line with the Town Centre First policy.
This will be achieved through projects which:
drive town centre regeneration
support town/village centre plaza development
develop green spaces / recreational amenities in town or village centres
enhance streetscapes
support town or village centre markets, e.g. farmer’s markets or artisan markets
support the provision of infrastructure (e.g. public realm works, service provisions, canopies etc.) to facilitate town or village centre markets (e.g. farmers markets, open-air markets, local trader markets, artisan markets or similar);
upgrade / refurbish community centres
bring vacant and derelict buildings back into use as multi-purpose community spaces
The 2025 scheme is targeted at three categories of towns/villages as follows and based on Census 2022 data:
Category 1: Towns and villages with a population of up to 5,000 people.
Category 2: Towns with a population of 5,001 to 10,000 people.
Category 3: Larger towns with a population of up to 15,000 people may be eligible where the application is of a high quality and outlines a strong need for the investment, good value for money and positive outcomes that will have a substantial impact on the town.
The central focus of the scheme will be on Category 1 towns and villages which will receive at least 60% of the overall funding available under this Call.
Grant Levels:
The minimum grant made available will be €50,000.
The maximum level of grant available under the 2025 Scheme will remain at €500,000 in respect of one application from each local authority.
A funding ceiling of €300,000 will apply in respect of a maximum of further 3 applications per local authority.
Only one application can be submitted in respect of any individual town/village, including towns that may be under the remit of more than one local authority.
Project Development Measure (PDM): will provide up to €50,000 per project. The purpose of the PDM is to assist local authorities to establish a pipeline of significant, well developed projects which could subsequently be quickly and efficiently progressed to construction stage, subject to the availability of further funding. Maximum of 2 applications per local authority
Wexford County Council invites Expressions of Interest from town/village groups who may have a suitable project for consideration under the Scheme. Wexford County Council will assess EOI’s received and select proposals for development into detailed applications to be submitted to the Department.
Details of the 2025 Scheme and Expression of Interest (EOI) Application Form can be downloaded Here.
Expression of Interest (EOI) Application Form
Preliminary Expressions of Interest Return Information:
Please note that a fully completed and signed Preliminary Expression of Interest (EOI) form must be submitted on or before 5:00 pm Wednesday 30th April 2025
By post – marked ‘EOI Town and Village Renewal 2025’,
Wexford County Council, Capital Delivery Team, Special Projects, Carricklawn, Wexford. Y35 WY93
By e mail: – Titled ‘EOI Town and Village Renewal 2025’ to tvr@wexfordcoco.ie
All enquiries should be forwarded to tvr@wexfordcoco.ie