Heritage Week 2024 takes place this year from the 17th to the 25th August 2024.
Lots of local community organisations get involved by organising events throughout the county. Many of the events that take place during the week are free and the programme highlights the abundance of great work that is carried out across Wexford to preserve and promote our natural, built and cultural heritage. Details can be found on Home | National Heritage Week 17th – 25th August 2024 and on the Wexford County Council website. Events will continue to be uploaded up until the 16th of August as details are finalised and more events are confirmed. For more info see https://www.heritageweek.ie/
If you have a natural heritage event planned for Heritage Week get in touch by emailing biodiversity@wexfordcoco.ie with relevant details and we can share it on our website and social media.
‘The Lady’s Island Conservation Project’ – a talk by David Daly
11:00am to 12:30pm, 24th August 2024 Wexford Town Library Mallin Street Y35 AY20 Co. Wexford
Booking is required as there are limited spaces. You can reserve your place for free on LibCal here.
Further Information If you are interested in David Daly and his artwork, visit his website Dave Daly Artist
Nature Walk on Baginbun Beach
2:30 pm to 4:30pm, 24th August 2024 Baginbun Beach Ramstown Fethard-On-Sea Co. Wexford Meet at Baginbun Beach Car Park (at the end of the main road from Yoletown) Baginbun beach, located on the eastern edge of the Hook Peninsula was the site of the Norman Invasion of Ireland in 1170. Baginbun’s cove shape and low cliffs create a beautiful coastal landscape, a jewel of Wexford’s natural heritage. Jim Hurley, who will be leading this walk, is a prominent nature enthusiast who campaigns for the protection and preservation of Wexford’s coastline. Join us for this walk during Heritage Week to learn more about our precious coast. Further information Learn more about Jim and what he does at About - South Wexford Coast |
Bat Walk and Talk along the Slaney Nature Walk
8:30 pm to 10:30pm, 23rd August 2024 Slaney Nature Walk The Banks Scrub Road Enniscorthy Co. Wexford Entrance located beside Ned Kavanagh’s Garage on the R772 as you leave the town headed for Blackstoops Roundabout Parking at Island Road Car Park opposite from the Lotus House Restaurant This event is now completely booked up. In support of Enniscorthy Tidy Towns, Wexford Bat Group is hosting an informative walk and talk along the banks of the River Slaney. The talk will focus on the different species of bats found in Ireland. The walk is scheduled to take place at sunset, when the nocturnal bats of Wexford make come out of their slumber. Wexford Bat Group will show you how to use bat detectors, so there’s a chance you might get to see the bats! The walk will take place on the secluded Slaney Nature Walk. The path meanders through a mature woodland and has recently been upgraded. Further information |
Not Stopping Now Webinar Series – Bats!
1:00pm, 21st August 2024 This event is completely online, and will be held over Zoom The ‘Not Stopping Now’ inititative is a series of webinars that discuss various different parts of Ireland’s rich biodiveristy. The webinars are a result of a collaboration between the Climate Ambassador Programme, the Heritage Council, and the Biodiversity Officer Network in Local Authorities. During Heritage Week, the theme of the webinar is bats! Bat Conservation Ireland are set to be involved. Join us and learn about nature’s incredible resilience and the conservation projects working to protect it. Register here now and learn more about the importance of bats in our envionment. Further information If you are interested in more webinars like this one, Not Stopping Now has two further webinars organised: |
Hay Meadow Crafts with artist and ecologist Monica Fleming
2:30 pm to 4:30pm, 20th August 2024 New Ross Library Barrack Lane New Ross Y34 NW56 Co. Wexford In conjunction with Wexford County Council, Monica Fleming will be hosting an adult crafting event at New Ross Library. The event will celebrate our hay meadows and traditional crafts in light of Heritage Week 2024. Traditional crafts using hay and straw are in danger of being lost, along with many of our meadows. This event will explore the art of making Hay Headgear – Headbands and Hats from hay/grass and decorated with natural materials. This headwear is made using traditional Irish techniques that were common in hay meadows in the past. Grass and meadow wildflowers are coiled and plaited with a simple tool, the Súgán twister. As well as a fun crafting experience, you will also have the chance to learn about the importance of Ireland’s meadows for our wildflowers and our pollinators. Booking is essential as there are limited spaces. You can reserve your place for free on LibCal here. |
Castletown River & Nature Festival 2024
2pm – 4pm, 24th August 2024 Kilanerin Woods Co. Wexford Car parking available on either side of the road at Kilanerin Woods. Event will start from entrance to lower car park. This is an event for both families and nature lovers alike! You will travel up the Inch River Catchment, learning the secrets of the river and exploring nature. There will even be a woodland Nature Treasure Hunt for you to enjoy.